• lsm.weber@gmail.com

Encouragement. Hope. Inspiration.

Inspiring you to live a happier, deeper, and more hope-filled spiritual life.

Do you feel stuck?

So often in life we get bogged down along the journey by trying to balance it all. And, what usually happens, is we tend to let go of our spiritual connection and spiritual practices when we should do the exact opposite.

Sound familiar? I get it. That used to be me too.

I want to help you discover spiritual growth, companionship, and encouragement as a fellow Jesus follower!


Why Deepen Your Spiritual Life?

Connection with God

Understand who you are created to be

Uncover who God is

Discover how to relate to God and His Word

Experience abundant JOY and GRATITUDE

...that is how YOU can live a more meaningful and faith-filled life.


Holistic cardiologist offers unique approach to the health of your heart; not just treating heart disease but the conditions that make heart disease possible

Gratitude is Good for Your Heart


Tools to help you nourish your body for maximum energy and performance

Healthy Self-Love

Shalom Peace

Alternative therapies for whole person health, including body, mind, and spirit

Spirit, Soul and Body Health

Linda Meskew Blog Post Pic

Radiance and beauty on the outside, happiness and good health on the inside

Growing in Intimate Relationship with God

If you’re ready to break free of whatever has been holding you back and get “unstuck” in your life, deepening your connection with God will benefit you in so many ways.

Let us journey together with the Lord!

50 years of Following Jesus

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

                                                                                 Ralph Waldo Emerson


Spiritual Sessions


Years of Counseling
Jim and Linda

Hi, I'm Linda Meskew
Welcome, I'm so glad you are here!

I’ve been on this Christian journey, in a personal relationship with Jesus, for over 50 years now, and I can attest to the fact that the journey is increasingly more fruitful, meaningful, rewarding and fun with companionship. For those interested, I offer you companionship through this website.


My educational experience at the University of London in England was inspirational in my continuing on in my pursuit of earning my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Marylhurst University, Oregon, then on to earning my Masters in Counseling Psychology from St. Martin's University in Lacey, Washington. My Post Grad includes 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education from Providence Portland Medical Center, and Certification in Spiritual Direction from Namaste in Portland.


I served for years as a Clinical Chaplain in hospitals for patients and care givers, provided bereavement counseling, critical incident stress debriefing and supported clients in a private practice with psychotherapy and spiritual direction.


Now, I'm enjoying retirement living with the love of my life, Jim.  We love spending time with our awesome and precious adult children and grandchildren, as well as nieces, nephews and other family members and loved ones.



Be Inspired with Linda Blog

My intention is to give you all the good stuff when it comes to spiritual growth: the positive takeaways, the tools and tips that will help you stay encouraged, feel and be well, and a dose of motivation to keep you going. Watch for new posts.


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Encouragement. Hope. Inspiration.

  • lsm.weber@gmail.com

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